Eco Villages
The current drastic social changes lead to raising something that only Israel had created in modern times.
From Freedom to Corporatism
For a century the Jews of the "holy land" began to live in self-sustaining spaces, until urban growth also gave rise to the great metropolises. They have been an example of what it can be like to live many people in the same space, producing from the land and sharing with each other. But what is this? We have been living in cities and towns for millennia, places in which, despite converging with a multitude of individuals, do not make us a caring community. Today most people strive to get a salary or maintain a company, to meet needs and even meet expectations, if possible.
All this is the same principle of the lot for the survival of ancient times, but this time going through the funnel of money and the transaction system for which it is used. This mechanism comes from the aspects of exchanges of things of value, which in its time were barters and later sales, mostly with the use of precious stones or precious metals. Finally the bank houses appeared, to lend money at interest and print paper money, leading to the progressive indebtedness of each person, business and country.
When you were in the period of the gold rush, people came to a place, took the resources of the place and that land was their possession. But the bankers saw new business opportunities in everything, so they began to monopolize all the new services and technologies that were emerging, forcing people to pay for those services and technologies, which in the first instance had been invented to be of use free and free.
Money, everything is money
Money is fabulous, the problem is not having it. The gave is only a unit of transactions and exchanges of value. It is not about the money itself, but that there are so many staggering expenses every month. We come to the present, where you are forced to pay a rent in your own mother earth, or pay to buy a lot, even though that lot at some point the current owner did not pay to own it, he only got there and positioned himself. Everything became a business, and good for business people, that is their source of income. The problem is to reach those quotas that each month these services demand. When there was no electricity, people did what is still very common in most of Africa, use coal, firewood or fuel (kerosene). At what point did paying for water become mandatory in most parts of the world? The ease of bringing you this valuable product has a cost, unless you want to make daily trips to bring the precious liquid from a river, or from the sea - and then treat that water for its use -. Today even the air and the sun are patented, and neither by the sun nor by the air, but by governments that want to charge for that use as a source of electricity. It is as if you are cornered to go through the eye of its tiny needle, for which you are forced to perform economic adventures.
Do you work for a living? Do you live to work? You study to be someone, as if you are no longer someone. You have a job "why do you have to work", according to whom? According to the social standards that determine how money is obtained to survive in a city. You could live without running water from a private company, but it is not easy to do without this service in a city, especially when water sources have been privatized. You can live without electricity, but you would feel poor and exaggerated. If you want to enjoy a multitude of benefits, you are forced to pay for electricity. So you have light, television, refrigerator, computer, fan, air conditioning, phone charging, blender, microwave, etc. In many cases, even a ceramic hob for cooking.
What if we talk about telephony? What would you do without it? You have to pay for that. But the most surprising of all this is when we come to the realm of food. The point has come when the food that you produce yourself is now only produced by some and you buy it for them. Almost because of ease and convenience we refuse to produce our own food, rather to devote that time to a job that gives us enough capital to buy that food. A somewhat laughable vicious cycle. We could say that in cities it is not so easy to have your own garden because of space. But if you move away from the cities to have a home where you can grow your own food, you run into two main problems: you need a means of transport and you would not have time to work at a job and at the same time on your farm. There are those who can with these two drawbacks.
And thank goodness if you already had the vehicle, because any transport we know is more capital investment, unless you build your own car to parts and have your own source of hydrocarbons.
At this point we can conclude that the city system - and to a large extent even in the towns - is designed in such a way that you must enslave your time to meet standards that governments and companies have imposed, and continue to impose - every time. new technologies and services arrive -. We get more and more things that we think we should pay, but the money that reaches your bank account is usually less than a year to the other. None of this seems very strategic to most.
Prisoners of the City
What if we put the money issue aside and talked about social integration? There are those who have neighbors they don't even know. There is no citizen participation the largest is a metropolis. Each individual goes to his own and looks after his own interests. They all leave their boxes (house or apartment), follow an established route to another box (job or business) and return to their box, from time to time passing other boxes (supermarkets, banks, etc.). Nobody usually cares what the one in the adjoining house does, unless it is his acquaintance on social networks. There was a time when people spent time producing in the field tomorrow, and when the afternoon came they would collect themselves to enjoy with their family and friends. They spent the nights in the moonlight, with a bonfire, eating something, watching their children play with the embers and the dogs tugging at their ears. They told their life experiences, jokes or old stories, stories from distant lands. They laughed, shared and supported each other. Some did this behind closed doors when it came to a cold region or season, drinking, dancing, eating, and sharing philosophical ideas. At what point did the world become so listless? There is no human warmth in a contact through social networks.
When we Jews returned to our land in the early 1900s we created communities called ‘Kibbutz’. Our grandparents dedicated themselves to agriculture and invented interesting and effective irrigation methods. In short, they had turned a desert into an oasis. Who bought the land? Together, and with the help of other Jewish communities abroad, they built their homes among themselves and ate what they produced themselves. There the farm animals arrived and helped with this work. Eventually an enviable lifestyle was made that many Israelis still wish to aspire to. With the new advancements, the water supply system was improved, solar free energy was installed, etc. An interesting role model that has been replicated in various parts of the world, more and more, especially in light of the slavery that the system pushes people into and a growing increase in everything, including threats to survival.
What do we see on the horizon?
If we observe the geopolitical and social processes, we cannot ignore that they do not look good at all for the next few years ahead, even in a matter of months. Accelerated inflation - the result of “aid” from governments without the support of the increase in GDP -, deliberate destruction of crops, retention of merchandise shipments, curtailment of civil liberties, elimination of private property, elimination of physical money (for replace it with an implanted chip), the mandatory nature of more invasive identification systems and biometric methods, civil uprising, biological weapons that are being injected into the population, wave technologies against humanity, indiscriminate censorship of all sources of official information, deception and, as It always goes on the brink of this madness that is repeated every certain time, war. Anyway ... do we let ourselves be shot or do we do something? While there is still time to do something ...
Eco village
About 5 or 6 years ago I began to speak of the imperative need to leave the cities promptly. At the time, it didn't seem like such a necessary thing. Several weeks before people started talking about the plandemic (around the middle of December 2019), I started to put the dynamics in motion to start the idea of ​​ecovillages. Again, at the time, it didn't seem relevant to most. As the plandemic has stopped seeing that we are indeed on the edge of the precipice, in front of which only the beginning of the Apocalypse awaits us, a global consciousness has awakened, and is increasingly attracting all kinds of people. Some fight against the government for their rights and others raise awareness in those who are willing to listen.
The rest are only carried like sheep to the slaughterhouse. We baptized this ecovillage project 'Neo Eden', or 'Eden ha.Jadash' (the New Eden), nothing original, but successful. This project consists of structuring a self-sustainable space for the life of a community. This community will not be chosen by the state, it will be chosen by the people who decide to be part of said project in the place where they decide to develop it.
A large lot with a water source is the base to start with. Lack of people and contributions of labor, own knowledge, capital, time, desire, own talents and energy (encouragement). Individual or family prefabricated homes are built, community areas (dining rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pools, play areas, library, school, gym, etc.) and spaces for food production. Agriculture is the most important thing, and animals follow. In our philosophy there is no place for animal exploitation, especially killing animals, since the land provides enough to cover needs. However, a lot will have to be stored for periods of adverse weather, not only food, but survival material, first aid, hygiene, etc.
If you want to expand this information, you can acquire a Program where we include diagrams for manufactured homes, advice, training course, inventories, diagrams to organize the information of those who wish to participate in the project, security protocols, parameters and standards to be considered, analytical tests to determine the type of person you would include in your project, aspects of preparation and areas to cover for a self-sufficient eco-village.
You can contact us for sessions by video call to receive more information, join our project to start seeing great results soon or receive information on the cost of manufactured homes (we work first with a Geodesic Dome model): whats app + 57-3044219172.

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